Farm Contracting Services in West Berkshire

Acres Farmed
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Farm Contracting Services in West Berkshire

Based at Field Barn Farm in Beenham between Newbury and Reading, we have gained extensive experience by working over thousands of acres of grass and cereal crops. From grassland management to paddock and pasture maintenance, we have the expertise to advise on the best way to optimise your hay and cereal production.
Topping and Fertilising

Topping and Fertilising

Raking and Turning

Raking and Turning

Reseeding and Drilling

Reseeding and Drilling

Spraying and Rolling

Spraying and Rolling

Bailing and Wrapping

Baling and Wrapping

Muck Spreading and Removal

Muck Spreading and Removal

Mowing and Hedge Cutting

Mowing and Hedge Cutting

Ploughing and Harrowing

Ploughing and Harrowing

Topping and Fertilising

Topping and Fertilising

Raking and Turning

Raking and Turning

Reseeding and Drilling

Reseeding and Drilling

Spraying and Rolling

Spraying and Rolling

Bailing and Wrapping

Baling and Wrapping

Muck Spreading and Removal

Muck Spreading and Removal

Mowing and Hedge Cutting

Mowing and Hedge Cutting

Ploughing and Harrowing

Ploughing and Harrowing

We can also offer many other services. Please get in contact with Graham.

Full Farm Contract Farming

GB Farming is happy to undertake comprehensive contract farming to help you keep your annual crop production on schedule. Based in Beenham, we can provide a full contract farming service to customers throughout West Berkshire and North Hampshire.